What is XcelR8online?
XcelR8 Online is a subscription-based plan, With unlimited access to my videos focussing on general mobility, joint-specific flows, recovery sessions along with HIIT workouts for weight loss also with Ger.
All with the ultimate goal of helping you move and feel better.
Start your 14-day free trial today!
Available Services
Custom Made Foot Orthotics
Sudden back or Knee Pain? Bunions, Plantar Fasciitis, Achillies Tendonitis, Metatarsalgia are symptoms of poor foot mechanics.
At XcelR8, we have the latest Equipment in foot scanning technology that will relieve pain & discomfort.
Made from 100% memory thermo-plastic & are guaranteed against breaking.
To Book an Appointment
Contact Ger on (087)9548605 or Tel: (021)4508598
Special Offer
Why choose us here at XcelR8 Health & Fitness ?
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Gill Worley
XcelR8 Health & Fitness

Ger Cahill (Managing Director)
Hi. Thanks for visiting our website page. Being qualified in a wide area of expertise we have the tools & experience to help you in all areas of health & wellness. I am qualified in Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning , Fitness Instruction, Physical Therapy, Cranial Therapy, Dry Needling, Deep Tissue Sports Massage, Holistic Massage & we also have a state of the art Cryotherapy Bath on our premises.
So whether its Weight Loss, Toning up, Sports performance, Speeding up the Recovery/Injury process, Rehabilitation/Gym programmes then our team can help you.
Take the first step contact Ger today!
Thanks, Ger, XcelR8 Health and Fitness